When it comes to training videos, we’ve seen some shockers in the world of privacy compliance. These don’t do anyone any favours – with 90% of data breaches in the UK down to human error, it’s important everyone in your organisation understands the importance of privacy, and plays their part in keeping data safe.
We do things differently at the Privacy Compliance Hub. The Privacy Guy is your straight-talking guide, and he uses real-life situations and easy-to-understand language that everyone can relate to. And just to make things even easier, we’ve created a series of short animation videos that break down each of our eight privacy promises.
At around a minute long, they’re simple reminders for your organisation to take action where it’s needed most. Stay tuned later this week for the first of our privacy promises: awareness.
Build a culture of continuous privacy compliance
At the Privacy Compliance Hub, we make compliance easy for everyone to understand, care about and commit to. We call it a culture of continuous privacy compliance. Our platform, created by two ex-Google lawyers, provides a structured programme to follow, giving you confidence you’re keeping your customers, investors and the regulators happy. Discover how it works here.