It’s always nice to have your hard work recognised by your peers. Ex-Google lawyers, Karima Noren and Nigel Jones are thrilled to have been shortlisted in the best technology product category at the 2022 Lawyer Awards.
“We’ve faced a number of challenges in building a simple, cost-effective solution for businesses trying to achieve true privacy compliance,” Noren says. “We’re lawyers, rather than software developers and by choice haven’t taken any outside investment, or filled a shiny office with a big team, yet our revenue continues to grow.”
Despite the obstacles, the co-founders of the Privacy Compliance Hub have succeeded in building a unique product in this space. It’s the only solution that shows business leaders how to establish, maintain and demonstrate their privacy compliance all in one place. “Our clients tell us our automated programme is cost-effective, engaging and educational,” Jones says. “Plus we’re adding new automation and functionality all the time.”
In the past two years, the small but perfectly formed team behind the Hub has helped more than 5,000 people do their bit to protect personal information, published over 70 pages of Privacy Tips and produced 24 original training videos, as well as continually refining the automated route map within the Hub to meet changes in data protection law.
There’s always more to do. But Noren and Jones hope that 2022 will be their year. All will be revealed when the winners are announced on 21 June.