Your free GDPR compliance health check
Your free and simple GDPR compliance audit is an online health check provided by our experts. It’s confidential, comprehensive, and takes just 10 minutes to complete.
Answer our GDPR compliance checklist questions and we will email you an objective, personalised report within minutes. It gives you a score out of 10 for your data privacy compliance with a further option for our free, more detailed data audit for GDPR, containing our practical suggestions.
Get your free health checkImprove your privacy performance with our GDPR health check
Quick & easy
Just 10 minutes to an objective view of your privacy compliance.

Simple but comprehensive
Multiple choice questions make the health check simple to complete.

Compiled by experts
The health check is based on a thorough GDPR compliance checklist designed by experienced privacy professionals.

Objective & 100% confidential
A professional outside opinion will help you learn where you stand on GDPR compliance.

To learn more about conducting GDPR audits, please read our dedicated article.
Let us show you how
Leave us your details and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can to arrange a convenient time for you. We can answer any questions you have and, if you like, we’ll show you what the Privacy Compliance Hub can do for your organisation and answer any questions. The online demo is all done remotely through screen sharing and takes around 30 minutes.